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  • Minor Flood Warning For The River Derwent, And Flood Warning For The Styx And Tyenna Rivers Sun 08 Sep 2024

    Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, Tasmania
    Minor Flood Warning For The River Derwent, And Flood Warning For The Styx And Tyenna Rivers 
    Issued at 10:55 AM EST on Sunday 08 September 2024
    Flood Warning Number: 28
     River level rises and minor flooding were observed in the River Derwent catchment over the weekend following rainfall during Friday.
     River levels have now eased below minor flood levels during Sunday. Showers are forecast for the remainder of Sunday which may cause renewed river level rises along the River Derwent and its tributaries during the remainder of Sunday and into Monday. However, no significant rainfall is forecast after Sunday evening.
    River Derwent above River Ouse:
    River levels are easing along the River Derwent above River Ouse. Renewed river level rises are possible during the remainder of Sunday with forecast rainfall.
    River Ouse:
    River levels have fallen below minor flood levels along the River Ouse.
    The River Ouse at Ashton is currently at 1.80 metres and steady, below the minor flood level (2.40 metres).
    Small renewed river level rises are possible along the River Ouse at Ashton. However the river level is expected to remain below the minor flood level (2.40 m) overnight Sunday into Monday.
    The River Ouse at 3B Weir is currently at 1.52 metres and falling, below the minor flood level (3.00 metres).
    Small renewed river level rises are possible along the River Ouse at 3B Weir. However the river level is expected to remain below the minor flood level (3.00 m) overnight Sunday into Monday.
    River Derwent above Meadowbank Dam:
    River levels are easing along the River Derwent above Meadowbank Dam. Renewed river level rises are possible during the remainder of Sunday with forecast rainfall.
    Tyenna River:
    River levels are generally steady along the Tyenna River. Renewed river level rises are possible during the remainder of Sunday with forecast rainfall.
    Styx River:
    River levels are rising along the Styx River. Further renewed river level rises are possible during the remainder of Sunday with forecast rainfall.
    River Derwent below Meadowbank Dam:
    River levels are below minor flood levels along the River Derwent below Meadowbank Dam. Renewed rises to around the minor flood level at the below Meadowbank Dam forecast location may occur with forecast rainfall.
    The River Derwent below Meadowbank Dam is currently at 2.92 metres and falling, below the minor flood level (4.10 metres).
    With forecast rainfall, renewed rises along the River Derwent below Meadowbank Dam may peak around the minor flood level (4.10 m) from Monday morning.
    The River Derwent at Macquarie Plains is currently at 2.92 metres and falling, below the minor flood level (4.00 metres).
    With forecast rainfall, renewed river level rises along the River Derwent at Macquarie Plains are possible during the remainder of Sunday and into Monday, but are expected to remain below the minor flood level (4.00 m).
    River Derwent around New Norfolk:
    Flooding is not expected along the River Derwent around New Norfolk.
    The River Derwent at New Norfolk is currently at 1.21 metres and steady, below the minor flood level (2.00 metres).
    The River Derwent at New Norfolk is expected to remain below the minor flood level (2.00 m) overnight Sunday into Monday.
    Flood Safety Advice:
    SES flood warnings can be found at TasALERT
     Flood and storm safety advice is available at
     Road closure information is available at}
    For emergency assistance call the SES on telephone number 132 500.
     For life threatening situations, call 000 immediately.
    Next issue:
    The next warning will be issued by 12:00 pm EST on Monday 09 September 2024.
    Latest River Heights:
    River Derwent below Lake St Clair,2.56,Steady,10:15 AM SUN 08/09/24
    River Ouse at Ashton,1.80,Steady,09:45 AM SUN 08/09/24
    River Ouse at 3B Weir,1.52,Falling,10:15 AM SUN 08/09/24
    River Clyde at Bothwell,0.86,Steady,10:00 AM SUN 08/09/24
    River Derwent below Meadowbank Dam,2.92,Falling,10:15 AM SUN 08/09/24
    River Derwent at Macquarie Plains,2.93,Falling,10:36 AM SUN 08/09/24
    Tyenna River at Newbury,0.85,Steady,10:00 AM SUN 08/09/24
    Styx River at Bruces Bridge,1.43,Steady,10:38 AM SUN 08/09/24
    River Derwent at 2.5km Upstream New Norfolk Bridge,3.25,Steady,10:00 AM SUN 08/09/24
    River Derwent at New Norfolk,1.21,Steady,10:36 AM SUN 08/09/24
    This advice is also available by dialling 1300 659 210. Warning, rainfall and river information are available at The latest weather forecast is available at