mid north coast Weather Forecast
For SundayDistrict Forecast
Thursday Partly cloudy. Very high chance of showers. The chance of a thunderstorm, possibly severe in the N. Winds N/NW 15 to 20 km/h becoming light early in the morning then becoming SW 25 to 35 km/h in the morning. Daytime maximum temperatures 22 to 29. Friday Cloudy. Very high chance of showers. The chance of a thunderstorm. Winds SW 25 to 35 km/h turning S in the morning. Overnight temperatures falling to between 12 and 17 with daytime temperatures reaching between 17 and 25. Saturday Cloudy. Very high chance of showers. The chance of a thunderstorm. Winds S 25 to 35 km/h. Overnight temperatures falling to between 14 and 19 with daytime temperatures reaching between 18 and 25. Sunday Cloudy. Medium chance of showers, most likely in the morning. Winds S 20 to 30 km/h. Overnight temperatures falling to between 12 and 18 with daytime temperatures reaching 20 to 25. -
National Forecast
Forecasts for THURSDAY
Location Forecast Temperature Rain Frost Risk UV Wind Relative Humidity Min Max Chance Amount 9am 3pm 9am 3pm Bellingen
Late shower21°C 30°C 80% 10-20mm Nil Extreme N
22km/h81% 81% Bowraville
Possible thunderstorm23°C 26°C 80% 10-20mm Nil Very High N
28km/h82% 76% Brooklana
Possible thunderstorm18°C 25°C 90% 10-20mm Nil Extreme WSW
10km/h78% 78% Bulahdelah
Possible thunderstorm22°C 23°C 90% 20-40mm Nil Extreme WSW
33km/h87% 82% Coffs Harbour
Late shower21°C 30°C 80% 10-20mm Nil Extreme N
22km/h81% 81% Comboyne
Possible thunderstorm19°C 24°C 90% 10-20mm Nil Extreme WSW
15km/h86% 81% Crescent Head
Possible thunderstorm20°C 28°C 80% 20-40mm Nil Extreme NNW
19km/h88% 76% Dorrigo
Possible thunderstorm18°C 25°C 90% 10-20mm Nil Extreme WSW
10km/h78% 78% Forster
Possible thunderstorm19°C 26°C 90% 20-40mm Nil Very High WSW
33km/h86% 80% Glenreagh
Late shower21°C 30°C 80% 10-20mm Nil Extreme N
22km/h81% 81% Gloucester
Possible thunderstorm20°C 26°C 80% 20-40mm Nil Very High WSW
29km/h91% 86% Kempsey
Possible thunderstorm20°C 28°C 80% 20-40mm Nil Extreme NNW
19km/h88% 76% Krambach
Possible thunderstorm19°C 26°C 90% 20-40mm Nil Very High WSW
33km/h86% 80% Laurieton
Possible thunderstorm20°C 26°C 70% 20-40mm Nil Very High NW
27km/h87% 80% Lord Howe Is
Mostly cloudy22°C 27°C 60% 1-5mm Nil Extreme ENE
24km/h73% 74% Macksville
Possible thunderstorm23°C 26°C 80% 10-20mm Nil Very High N
28km/h82% 76% Mt Seaview
Possible thunderstorm19°C 24°C 90% 10-20mm Nil Extreme WSW
15km/h86% 81% Nambucca Heads
Possible thunderstorm23°C 26°C 80% 10-20mm Nil Very High N
28km/h82% 76% Nana Glen
Late shower21°C 30°C 80% 10-20mm Nil Extreme N
22km/h81% 81% Port Macquarie
Possible thunderstorm20°C 26°C 70% 20-40mm Nil Very High NW
27km/h87% 80% Promised Land
Late shower21°C 30°C 80% 10-20mm Nil Extreme N
22km/h81% 81% Seal Rocks
Possible thunderstorm22°C 23°C 90% 20-40mm Nil Extreme WSW
33km/h87% 82% Smoky Cape
Possible thunderstorm23°C 25°C 90% 20-40mm Nil Very High N
29km/h85% 81% Taree
Possible thunderstorm20°C 26°C 80% 20-40mm Nil Very High WSW
29km/h91% 86% Taylors Arm
Possible thunderstorm23°C 26°C 80% 10-20mm Nil Very High N
28km/h82% 76% Upper Orara
Late shower21°C 30°C 80% 10-20mm Nil Extreme N
22km/h81% 81% Urunga
Late shower21°C 30°C 80% 10-20mm Nil Extreme N
22km/h81% 81% Wauchope
Possible thunderstorm20°C 26°C 70% 20-40mm Nil Very High NW
27km/h87% 80% Wilsons River
Possible thunderstorm20°C 26°C 70% 20-40mm Nil Very High NW
27km/h87% 80% Wingham
Possible thunderstorm20°C 26°C 80% 20-40mm Nil Very High WSW
29km/h91% 86% Woolgoolga
Late shower21°C 30°C 80% 10-20mm Nil Extreme N
22km/h81% 81% BellingenLate shower21°C30°C80%10-20mmBowravillePossible thunderstorm23°C26°C80%10-20mmBrooklanaPossible thunderstorm18°C25°C90%10-20mmBulahdelahPossible thunderstorm22°C23°C90%20-40mmCoffs HarbourLate shower21°C30°C80%10-20mmComboynePossible thunderstorm19°C24°C90%10-20mmCrescent HeadPossible thunderstorm20°C28°C80%20-40mmDorrigoPossible thunderstorm18°C25°C90%10-20mmForsterPossible thunderstorm19°C26°C90%20-40mmGlenreaghLate shower21°C30°C80%10-20mmGloucesterPossible thunderstorm20°C26°C80%20-40mmKempseyPossible thunderstorm20°C28°C80%20-40mmKrambachPossible thunderstorm19°C26°C90%20-40mmLaurietonPossible thunderstorm20°C26°C70%20-40mmLord Howe IsMostly cloudy22°C27°C60%1-5mmMacksvillePossible thunderstorm23°C26°C80%10-20mmMt SeaviewPossible thunderstorm19°C24°C90%10-20mmNambucca HeadsPossible thunderstorm23°C26°C80%10-20mmNana GlenLate shower21°C30°C80%10-20mmPort MacquariePossible thunderstorm20°C26°C70%20-40mmPromised LandLate shower21°C30°C80%10-20mmSeal RocksPossible thunderstorm22°C23°C90%20-40mmSmoky CapePossible thunderstorm23°C25°C90%20-40mmTareePossible thunderstorm20°C26°C80%20-40mmTaylors ArmPossible thunderstorm23°C26°C80%10-20mmUpper OraraLate shower21°C30°C80%10-20mmUrungaLate shower21°C30°C80%10-20mmWauchopePossible thunderstorm20°C26°C70%20-40mmWilsons RiverPossible thunderstorm20°C26°C70%20-40mmWinghamPossible thunderstorm20°C26°C80%20-40mmWoolgoolgaLate shower21°C30°C80%10-20mmForecasts for FRIDAY
Location Forecast Temperature Rain Frost Risk UV Wind Relative Humidity Min Max Chance Amount 9am 3pm 9am 3pm Bellingen
Heavy showers18°C 25°C 70% 20-40mm Nil Extreme SW
29km/h77% 75% Bowraville
Windy with showers19°C 22°C 80% 20-40mm Nil Extreme SW
31km/h80% 77% Brooklana
Heavy showers14°C 18°C 90% 20-40mm Nil Extreme SW
16km/h81% 81% Bulahdelah
Windy with showers20°C 21°C 90% 40-80mm Nil Extreme SSW
35km/h88% 86% Coffs Harbour
Heavy showers18°C 25°C 70% 20-40mm Nil Extreme SW
29km/h77% 75% Comboyne
Heavy showers15°C 18°C 90% 20-40mm Nil Extreme SW
17km/h88% 83% Crescent Head
Heavy rain15°C 24°C 90% 20-40mm Nil Extreme SW
21km/h78% 76% Dorrigo
Heavy showers14°C 18°C 90% 20-40mm Nil Extreme SW
16km/h81% 81% Forster
Windy with showers16°C 25°C 90% 40-80mm Nil Extreme SSW
33km/h87% 84% Glenreagh
Heavy showers18°C 25°C 70% 20-40mm Nil Extreme SW
29km/h77% 75% Gloucester
Heavy showers16°C 24°C 90% 40-80mm Nil Extreme SW
30km/h93% 90% Kempsey
Heavy rain15°C 24°C 90% 20-40mm Nil Extreme SW
21km/h78% 76% Krambach
Windy with showers16°C 25°C 90% 40-80mm Nil Extreme SSW
33km/h87% 84% Laurieton
Heavy showers16°C 23°C 90% 40-80mm Nil Extreme SW
30km/h84% 80% Lord Howe Is
Showers22°C 27°C 90% 10-20mm Nil Extreme E
30km/h78% 78% Macksville
Windy with showers19°C 22°C 80% 20-40mm Nil Extreme SW
31km/h80% 77% Mt Seaview
Heavy showers15°C 18°C 90% 20-40mm Nil Extreme SW
17km/h88% 83% Nambucca Heads
Windy with showers19°C 22°C 80% 20-40mm Nil Extreme SW
31km/h80% 77% Nana Glen
Heavy showers18°C 25°C 70% 20-40mm Nil Extreme SW
29km/h77% 75% Port Macquarie
Heavy showers16°C 23°C 90% 40-80mm Nil Extreme SW
30km/h84% 80% Promised Land
Heavy showers18°C 25°C 70% 20-40mm Nil Extreme SW
29km/h77% 75% Seal Rocks
Windy with showers20°C 21°C 90% 40-80mm Nil Extreme SSW
35km/h88% 86% Smoky Cape
Heavy showers19°C 23°C 80% 40-80mm Nil Extreme SW
33km/h80% 76% Taree
Heavy showers16°C 24°C 90% 40-80mm Nil Extreme SW
30km/h93% 90% Taylors Arm
Windy with showers19°C 22°C 80% 20-40mm Nil Extreme SW
31km/h80% 77% Upper Orara
Heavy showers18°C 25°C 70% 20-40mm Nil Extreme SW
29km/h77% 75% Urunga
Heavy showers18°C 25°C 70% 20-40mm Nil Extreme SW
29km/h77% 75% Wauchope
Heavy showers16°C 23°C 90% 40-80mm Nil Extreme SW
30km/h84% 80% Wilsons River
Heavy showers16°C 23°C 90% 40-80mm Nil Extreme SW
30km/h84% 80% Wingham
Heavy showers16°C 24°C 90% 40-80mm Nil Extreme SW
30km/h93% 90% Woolgoolga
Heavy showers18°C 25°C 70% 20-40mm Nil Extreme SW
29km/h77% 75% BellingenHeavy showers18°C25°C70%20-40mmBowravilleWindy with showers19°C22°C80%20-40mmBrooklanaHeavy showers14°C18°C90%20-40mmBulahdelahWindy with showers20°C21°C90%40-80mmCoffs HarbourHeavy showers18°C25°C70%20-40mmComboyneHeavy showers15°C18°C90%20-40mmCrescent HeadHeavy rain15°C24°C90%20-40mmDorrigoHeavy showers14°C18°C90%20-40mmForsterWindy with showers16°C25°C90%40-80mmGlenreaghHeavy showers18°C25°C70%20-40mmGloucesterHeavy showers16°C24°C90%40-80mmKempseyHeavy rain15°C24°C90%20-40mmKrambachWindy with showers16°C25°C90%40-80mmLaurietonHeavy showers16°C23°C90%40-80mmLord Howe IsShowers22°C27°C90%10-20mmMacksvilleWindy with showers19°C22°C80%20-40mmMt SeaviewHeavy showers15°C18°C90%20-40mmNambucca HeadsWindy with showers19°C22°C80%20-40mmNana GlenHeavy showers18°C25°C70%20-40mmPort MacquarieHeavy showers16°C23°C90%40-80mmPromised LandHeavy showers18°C25°C70%20-40mmSeal RocksWindy with showers20°C21°C90%40-80mmSmoky CapeHeavy showers19°C23°C80%40-80mmTareeHeavy showers16°C24°C90%40-80mmTaylors ArmWindy with showers19°C22°C80%20-40mmUpper OraraHeavy showers18°C25°C70%20-40mmUrungaHeavy showers18°C25°C70%20-40mmWauchopeHeavy showers16°C23°C90%40-80mmWilsons RiverHeavy showers16°C23°C90%40-80mmWinghamHeavy showers16°C24°C90%40-80mmWoolgoolgaHeavy showers18°C25°C70%20-40mmForecasts for SATURDAY
Location Forecast Temperature Rain Frost Risk UV Wind Relative Humidity Min Max Chance Amount 9am 3pm 9am 3pm Bellingen
Heavy showers20°C 26°C 80% 40-80mm Nil Extreme SSW
28km/h85% 81% Bowraville
Heavy showers20°C 23°C 70% 20-40mm Nil Extreme SSW
30km/h85% 77% Brooklana
Heavy showers15°C 19°C 90% 40-80mm Nil Extreme SSW
16km/h92% 91% Bulahdelah
Heavy showers21°C 22°C 80% 10-20mm Nil Extreme SSE
30km/h83% 78% Coffs Harbour
Heavy showers20°C 26°C 80% 40-80mm Nil Extreme SSW
28km/h85% 81% Comboyne
Heavy showers16°C 19°C 90% 20-40mm Nil Extreme S
15km/h95% 89% Crescent Head
Heavy showers18°C 25°C 90% 20-40mm Nil Extreme SSW
21km/h89% 83% Dorrigo
Heavy showers15°C 19°C 90% 40-80mm Nil Extreme SSW
16km/h92% 91% Forster
Heavy showers19°C 25°C 90% 20-40mm Nil Extreme S
33km/h83% 78% Glenreagh
Heavy showers20°C 26°C 80% 40-80mm Nil Extreme SSW
28km/h85% 81% Gloucester
Heavy showers19°C 25°C 90% 20-40mm Nil Extreme S
31km/h92% 86% Kempsey
Heavy showers18°C 25°C 90% 20-40mm Nil Extreme SSW
21km/h89% 83% Krambach
Heavy showers19°C 25°C 90% 20-40mm Nil Extreme S
33km/h83% 78% Laurieton
Heavy showers19°C 24°C 80% 40-80mm Nil Extreme S
29km/h87% 81% Lord Howe Is
Showers22°C 26°C 90% 1-5mm Nil Extreme ESE
33km/h78% 75% Macksville
Heavy showers20°C 23°C 70% 20-40mm Nil Extreme SSW
30km/h85% 77% Mt Seaview
Heavy showers16°C 19°C 90% 20-40mm Nil Extreme S
15km/h95% 89% Nambucca Heads
Heavy showers20°C 23°C 70% 20-40mm Nil Extreme SSW
30km/h85% 77% Nana Glen
Heavy showers20°C 26°C 80% 40-80mm Nil Extreme SSW
28km/h85% 81% Port Macquarie
Heavy showers19°C 24°C 80% 40-80mm Nil Extreme S
29km/h87% 81% Promised Land
Heavy showers20°C 26°C 80% 40-80mm Nil Extreme SSW
28km/h85% 81% Seal Rocks
Heavy showers21°C 22°C 80% 10-20mm Nil Extreme SSE
30km/h83% 78% Smoky Cape
Heavy showers21°C 23°C 90% 20-40mm Nil Extreme S
35km/h85% 82% Taree
Heavy showers19°C 25°C 90% 20-40mm Nil Extreme S
31km/h92% 86% Taylors Arm
Heavy showers20°C 23°C 70% 20-40mm Nil Extreme SSW
30km/h85% 77% Upper Orara
Heavy showers20°C 26°C 80% 40-80mm Nil Extreme SSW
28km/h85% 81% Urunga
Heavy showers20°C 26°C 80% 40-80mm Nil Extreme SSW
28km/h85% 81% Wauchope
Heavy showers19°C 24°C 80% 40-80mm Nil Extreme S
29km/h87% 81% Wilsons River
Heavy showers19°C 24°C 80% 40-80mm Nil Extreme S
29km/h87% 81% Wingham
Heavy showers19°C 25°C 90% 20-40mm Nil Extreme S
31km/h92% 86% Woolgoolga
Heavy showers20°C 26°C 80% 40-80mm Nil Extreme SSW
28km/h85% 81% BellingenHeavy showers20°C26°C80%40-80mmBowravilleHeavy showers20°C23°C70%20-40mmBrooklanaHeavy showers15°C19°C90%40-80mmBulahdelahHeavy showers21°C22°C80%10-20mmCoffs HarbourHeavy showers20°C26°C80%40-80mmComboyneHeavy showers16°C19°C90%20-40mmCrescent HeadHeavy showers18°C25°C90%20-40mmDorrigoHeavy showers15°C19°C90%40-80mmForsterHeavy showers19°C25°C90%20-40mmGlenreaghHeavy showers20°C26°C80%40-80mmGloucesterHeavy showers19°C25°C90%20-40mmKempseyHeavy showers18°C25°C90%20-40mmKrambachHeavy showers19°C25°C90%20-40mmLaurietonHeavy showers19°C24°C80%40-80mmLord Howe IsShowers22°C26°C90%1-5mmMacksvilleHeavy showers20°C23°C70%20-40mmMt SeaviewHeavy showers16°C19°C90%20-40mmNambucca HeadsHeavy showers20°C23°C70%20-40mmNana GlenHeavy showers20°C26°C80%40-80mmPort MacquarieHeavy showers19°C24°C80%40-80mmPromised LandHeavy showers20°C26°C80%40-80mmSeal RocksHeavy showers21°C22°C80%10-20mmSmoky CapeHeavy showers21°C23°C90%20-40mmTareeHeavy showers19°C25°C90%20-40mmTaylors ArmHeavy showers20°C23°C70%20-40mmUpper OraraHeavy showers20°C26°C80%40-80mmUrungaHeavy showers20°C26°C80%40-80mmWauchopeHeavy showers19°C24°C80%40-80mmWilsons RiverHeavy showers19°C24°C80%40-80mmWinghamHeavy showers19°C25°C90%20-40mmWoolgoolgaHeavy showers20°C26°C80%40-80mmForecasts for SUNDAY
Location Forecast Temperature Rain Frost Risk UV Wind Relative Humidity Min Max Chance Amount 9am 3pm 9am 3pm Bellingen
Possible shower19°C 26°C 60% 20-40mm Nil Extreme SSW
31km/h77% 67% Bowraville
Possible shower18°C 23°C 40% 1-5mm Nil Extreme SSW
28km/h76% 63% Brooklana
Rain14°C 20°C 70% 10-20mm Nil Extreme SSW
16km/h87% 70% Bulahdelah
Showers20°C 22°C 60% 20-40mm Nil Extreme SSW
27km/h75% 65% Coffs Harbour
Possible shower19°C 26°C 60% 20-40mm Nil Extreme SSW
31km/h77% 67% Comboyne
Showers14°C 20°C 60% 10-20mm Nil Extreme SW
14km/h84% 66% Crescent Head
Rain17°C 25°C 70% 5-10mm Nil Extreme SSW
20km/h80% 60% Dorrigo
Rain14°C 20°C 70% 10-20mm Nil Extreme SSW
16km/h87% 70% Forster
Possible shower17°C 24°C 60% 10-20mm Nil Extreme SSW
30km/h75% 64% Glenreagh
Possible shower19°C 26°C 60% 20-40mm Nil Extreme SSW
31km/h77% 67% Gloucester
Showers easing18°C 24°C 60% 10-20mm Nil Extreme SSW
29km/h84% 68% Kempsey
Rain17°C 25°C 70% 5-10mm Nil Extreme SSW
20km/h80% 60% Krambach
Possible shower17°C 24°C 60% 10-20mm Nil Extreme SSW
30km/h75% 64% Laurieton
Heavy rain17°C 23°C 70% 10-20mm Nil Extreme SSW
28km/h79% 62% Lord Howe Is
Windy with showers20°C 25°C 90% 5-10mm Nil Extreme S
33km/h70% 67% Macksville
Possible shower18°C 23°C 40% 1-5mm Nil Extreme SSW
28km/h76% 63% Mt Seaview
Showers14°C 20°C 60% 10-20mm Nil Extreme SW
14km/h84% 66% Nambucca Heads
Possible shower18°C 23°C 40% 1-5mm Nil Extreme SSW
28km/h76% 63% Nana Glen
Possible shower19°C 26°C 60% 20-40mm Nil Extreme SSW
31km/h77% 67% Port Macquarie
Heavy rain17°C 23°C 70% 10-20mm Nil Extreme SSW
28km/h79% 62% Promised Land
Possible shower19°C 26°C 60% 20-40mm Nil Extreme SSW
31km/h77% 67% Seal Rocks
Showers20°C 22°C 60% 20-40mm Nil Extreme SSW
27km/h75% 65% Smoky Cape
Windy with showers20°C 23°C 90% 5-10mm Nil Extreme SSW
34km/h78% 66% Taree
Showers easing18°C 24°C 60% 10-20mm Nil Extreme SSW
29km/h84% 68% Taylors Arm
Possible shower18°C 23°C 40% 1-5mm Nil Extreme SSW
28km/h76% 63% Upper Orara
Possible shower19°C 26°C 60% 20-40mm Nil Extreme SSW
31km/h77% 67% Urunga
Possible shower19°C 26°C 60% 20-40mm Nil Extreme SSW
31km/h77% 67% Wauchope
Heavy rain17°C 23°C 70% 10-20mm Nil Extreme SSW
28km/h79% 62% Wilsons River
Heavy rain17°C 23°C 70% 10-20mm Nil Extreme SSW
28km/h79% 62% Wingham
Showers easing18°C 24°C 60% 10-20mm Nil Extreme SSW
29km/h84% 68% Woolgoolga
Possible shower19°C 26°C 60% 20-40mm Nil Extreme SSW
31km/h77% 67% BellingenPossible shower19°C26°C60%20-40mmBowravillePossible shower18°C23°C40%1-5mmBrooklanaRain14°C20°C70%10-20mmBulahdelahShowers20°C22°C60%20-40mmCoffs HarbourPossible shower19°C26°C60%20-40mmComboyneShowers14°C20°C60%10-20mmCrescent HeadRain17°C25°C70%5-10mmDorrigoRain14°C20°C70%10-20mmForsterPossible shower17°C24°C60%10-20mmGlenreaghPossible shower19°C26°C60%20-40mmGloucesterShowers easing18°C24°C60%10-20mmKempseyRain17°C25°C70%5-10mmKrambachPossible shower17°C24°C60%10-20mmLaurietonHeavy rain17°C23°C70%10-20mmLord Howe IsWindy with showers20°C25°C90%5-10mmMacksvillePossible shower18°C23°C40%1-5mmMt SeaviewShowers14°C20°C60%10-20mmNambucca HeadsPossible shower18°C23°C40%1-5mmNana GlenPossible shower19°C26°C60%20-40mmPort MacquarieHeavy rain17°C23°C70%10-20mmPromised LandPossible shower19°C26°C60%20-40mmSeal RocksShowers20°C22°C60%20-40mmSmoky CapeWindy with showers20°C23°C90%5-10mmTareeShowers easing18°C24°C60%10-20mmTaylors ArmPossible shower18°C23°C40%1-5mmUpper OraraPossible shower19°C26°C60%20-40mmUrungaPossible shower19°C26°C60%20-40mmWauchopeHeavy rain17°C23°C70%10-20mmWilsons RiverHeavy rain17°C23°C70%10-20mmWinghamShowers easing18°C24°C60%10-20mmWoolgoolgaPossible shower19°C26°C60%20-40mmCurrent Conditions
Location Observation Time Temperature Dew Point Relative Humidity Feels Like Wind Pressure Rainfall Mean Gusts Coffs Harbour Airport 17:20 EDT 26.1° 21.5° 76% 27.0° N</br> 19km/h 26 km/h 1000.9 hPa 0.0 mm Coffs Harbour Airport 17:20 EDT 26.1° 21.5° 76% 27.0° N</br> 19km/h 26 km/h 1000.9 hPa 0.0 mm Coffs Harbour Airport 17:20 EDT 26.1° 21.5° 76% 27.0° N</br> 19km/h 26 km/h 1000.9 hPa 0.0 mm Williamtown 17:20 EDT 31.9° 21.1° 52% 31.0° NE</br> 26km/h 37 km/h 994.0 hPa 0.0 mm Coffs Harbour Airport 17:20 EDT 26.1° 21.5° 76% 27.0° N</br> 19km/h 26 km/h 1000.9 hPa 0.0 mm Taree Ap 17:20 EDT 30.2° 23.6° 67% 29.5° NE</br> 32km/h 37 km/h 997.2 hPa 0.0 mm Kempsey Ap 17:20 EDT 25.9° 22.4° 81% 29.0° E</br> 9km/h 13 km/h 999.4 hPa 0.2 mm Coffs Harbour Airport 17:20 EDT 26.1° 21.5° 76% 27.0° N</br> 19km/h 26 km/h 1000.9 hPa 0.0 mm Taree Ap 17:20 EDT 30.2° 23.6° 67% 29.5° NE</br> 32km/h 37 km/h 997.2 hPa 0.0 mm Grafton Airport 17:20 EDT 27.3° 21.8° 72% 29.7° NE</br> 11km/h 20 km/h 1000.5 hPa 0.0 mm Taree Ap 17:20 EDT 30.2° 23.6° 67% 29.5° NE</br> 32km/h 37 km/h 997.2 hPa 0.0 mm Kempsey Ap 17:20 EDT 25.9° 22.4° 81% 29.0° E</br> 9km/h 13 km/h 999.4 hPa 0.2 mm Taree Ap 17:20 EDT 30.2° 23.6° 67% 29.5° NE</br> 32km/h 37 km/h 997.2 hPa 0.0 mm Port Macquarie Airport 17:20 EDT 27.5° 22.4° 73% 27.3° N</br> 26km/h 28 km/h 999.6 hPa 0.0 mm Lord Howe Is Ap 17:20 +11 24.1° 19.6° 76% 22.2° E</br> 28km/h 32 km/h 1004.5 hPa 0.0 mm Kempsey Ap 17:20 EDT 25.9° 22.4° 81% 29.0° E</br> 9km/h 13 km/h 999.4 hPa 0.2 mm Port Macquarie Airport 17:20 EDT 27.5° 22.4° 73% 27.3° N</br> 26km/h 28 km/h 999.6 hPa 0.0 mm Coffs Harbour Airport 17:20 EDT 26.1° 21.5° 76% 27.0° N</br> 19km/h 26 km/h 1000.9 hPa 0.0 mm Coffs Harbour Airport 17:20 EDT 26.1° 21.5° 76% 27.0° N</br> 19km/h 26 km/h 1000.9 hPa 0.0 mm Port Macquarie Airport 17:20 EDT 27.5° 22.4° 73% 27.3° N</br> 26km/h 28 km/h 999.6 hPa 0.0 mm Coffs Harbour Airport 17:20 EDT 26.1° 21.5° 76% 27.0° N</br> 19km/h 26 km/h 1000.9 hPa 0.0 mm Taree Ap 17:20 EDT 30.2° 23.6° 67% 29.5° NE</br> 32km/h 37 km/h 997.2 hPa 0.0 mm Kempsey Ap 17:20 EDT 25.9° 22.4° 81% 29.0° E</br> 9km/h 13 km/h 999.4 hPa 0.2 mm Taree Ap 17:20 EDT 30.2° 23.6° 67% 29.5° NE</br> 32km/h 37 km/h 997.2 hPa 0.0 mm Kempsey Ap 17:20 EDT 25.9° 22.4° 81% 29.0° E</br> 9km/h 13 km/h 999.4 hPa 0.2 mm Coffs Harbour Airport 17:20 EDT 26.1° 21.5° 76% 27.0° N</br> 19km/h 26 km/h 1000.9 hPa 0.0 mm Coffs Harbour Airport 17:20 EDT 26.1° 21.5° 76% 27.0° N</br> 19km/h 26 km/h 1000.9 hPa 0.0 mm Port Macquarie Airport 17:20 EDT 27.5° 22.4° 73% 27.3° N</br> 26km/h 28 km/h 999.6 hPa 0.0 mm Port Macquarie Airport 17:20 EDT 27.5° 22.4° 73% 27.3° N</br> 26km/h 28 km/h 999.6 hPa 0.0 mm Taree Ap 17:20 EDT 30.2° 23.6° 67% 29.5° NE</br> 32km/h 37 km/h 997.2 hPa 0.0 mm Coffs Harbour Airport 17:20 EDT 26.1° 21.5° 76% 27.0° N</br> 19km/h 26 km/h 1000.9 hPa 0.0 mm -
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mid north coast Weather Forecast
For SundayDistrict Forecast
Thursday Partly cloudy. Very high chance of showers. The chance of a thunderstorm, possibly severe in the N. Winds N/NW 15 to 20 km/h becoming light early in the morning then becoming SW 25 to 35 km/h in the morning. Daytime maximum temperatures 22 to 29. Friday Cloudy. Very high chance of showers. The chance of a thunderstorm. Winds SW 25 to 35 km/h turning S in the morning. Overnight temperatures falling to between 12 and 17 with daytime temperatures reaching between 17 and 25. Saturday Cloudy. Very high chance of showers. The chance of a thunderstorm. Winds S 25 to 35 km/h. Overnight temperatures falling to between 14 and 19 with daytime temperatures reaching between 18 and 25. Sunday Cloudy. Medium chance of showers, most likely in the morning. Winds S 20 to 30 km/h. Overnight temperatures falling to between 12 and 18 with daytime temperatures reaching 20 to 25.